Monday 30 March 2009

Finally ! Got some stuff in !

Well we have finally started growing our own stuff !

Managed to get the raised bed going after the recent good spell of weather and put down some red onions and garlic.

Alison has started the carrots off in a massive tub we found, but she failed to planted on rows and simple sprinkled the seeds everywhere !

Got a cheap plastic greenhouse from Wilkinsons, some seeds, compost and started planting.

Hopefully Toms, Beetroots, Courgettes, Chillis and Parsnips will be planted on the lot before we go away on holiday.

Also made plans for a and games

Monday 16 March 2009

Drying off !

Well after the recent fine weather, this weekend was spent clearing the rubbish pile, having a bonfire, clearing the boundary along plot 11 and the planning and preparation of a single bed.

With the sun beamimg down it was sheer joy to be outside and actually do some work on the lottee !

Planning to get the seeds in and started off this week at home, and by the weekend get the bed ready for our first planting !

Photos next week (hopefully) and you'll hopefully see a difference

That's it for now
